Writing an online dating profile can be daunting. You may be like some, who are afraid that they sound too boastful when they write even the smallest positive thing about themselves. Or you may be like those who find it difficult to write period. You sit down at the computer’s blank screen, and you get a bad case of writer’s block. Many don’t realize that taking time beforehand to think about what you want to say can help the writing process. Regardless of where you are at with writing your online dating profile, here are nine tips to help make it easier.

9 Easy Profile Tips
1. Keep it simple. Short and sweet is the mantra here. People don’t have time to read a novel about your life – thank goodness because that means you don’t have to write one for your online dating profile. Leave out personal information such as phone numbers and personal emails in areas that are visible to everyone on the website. Instead, share personal info on private messages when you are ready, and it is appropriate to do so – just as you would in a face-to-face conversation.
2. Be honest; use your real age and current photos. Honesty is always the best policy, so you don’t want to mislead potential dates by giving exaggerated information or using old photos of yourself. Hopefully, you will eventually meet some of these people face-to-face, so it is best to be honest from the get-go.
3. Stay positive. Nothing is more of a turn off than negativity and pessimism on a sober dating site. Be confident and keep it positive.
4. Have fun with your writing – use humor when appropriate. But remember tip #3, and keep your humor upbeat and positive. Avoid snarky and sarcastic attempts at humor.
5. A complete online dating profile is a good online dating profile. Fill out all your profile fields, not just the minimum required to browse other users on this sober dating site. Continue to update and add to your profile daily or weekly for as long as you use this website. After you sign in, the easiest way to get to update your profile is to:
A. Click on the “PROFILE” button in the upper right hand corner.

That will open this window of your Profile:

B. Click on the “Edit” button (circled in red above) to add and update your Profile information. By clicking on the “Edit” button the following window will open:

6. In this window, please note that besides the Profile button, there are three additional buttons and categories to complete: “About,” “Lifestyle” and “Physical Traits.” Click on each one of the buttons (circled in red above) to open the additional categories. The more blanks that you fill in, the better your sober dating profile will attract the person who you are looking for. Remember, your answers should be simple, positive and honest. That leads us to the next tip for “How to Write a Good Online Dating Profile”…
7. Spend time on your Profile. Slow down – think about your answers. Maybe first write them out in a Word document where you can spellcheck your answers. You can cut copy and paste your answers into your online Single and Sober dating profile after Word’s spellcheck reviews your spelling and looks for typos. While you are spending time on your dating profile, have a trusted friend help you – sometimes it is easier for a friend to see why people are attracted to you than for you to see the reasons for yourself. Ask them to write a sentence or two. They might even be able to help check your grammar and spelling.
8. Ask for help. If you are not so computer savvy, have a friend or family member help you with computer input or uploading photos. This sober dating website also has a good FAQ page. Seek assistance there as well.
9. Use high-resolution photos – Upload only high-resolution photos for your Profile photo and Album photos. Blurry or poor quality photos will reduce your chances of success on this sober dating website. Use a current photo of yourself sporting a big smile for your Profile photo. Studies show that most people prefer to see a smile on a Profile photo. Action shots work best for Album photos. Choose photos where you are the main subject of the photo. Don’t leave someone second guessing about which person in the photo is actually you.
All-in-all, keep your online dating profile classy. When in doubt, put your best foot forward.
Do you have any more questions, suggestions or comments about how to write a good online dating profile? Then let us know by visiting our contact page.