
Last year I went on vacation with a family friend. I’m an agnostic at best—I believe our human brains can’t possibly know for sure what high power operates in this universe. My friend couldn’t be more different: she’s a Christian with an intense and personal relationship with God.  The difference in our approaches to faith […]

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You have a birthday, right? Of course you do. And chances are good that every year on that day, you and your loved ones celebrate it in some fashion — or at the very least, you take notice of it.  Well, for most people in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, the same thing applies […]

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Romances can come and go, but on occasion, you may find yourself thinking about re-starting an old relationship. But getting back together with an ex-partner can be a difficult and emotional process, especially if you two broke up before either you or they got sober. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t restart an […]

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year…. or is it? For people in recovery (and, let’s admit it, everyone else), the holidays can be fraught, filled with missed expectations and strained relationships rather than just Hallmark holiday cheer. That, in addition to a plethora of parties and social events, can make the next five […]

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