Full disclosure: I was not interested in seeing the most recent version of A Star is Born. I vaguely remember a version with Barbra Streisand, and a shirtless Kris Kristofferson (which was not the original) and had no desire to see the newest version. Same old story told too many times. But I was deeply […]
Whether your partner is also in recovery or not, the program is sure to touch your relationships. When Sarah C. and William C. began dating after they met in a Vermont treatment center in 2016, their friends and family were skeptical. After all, dating in AA during early recovery is generally frowned upon, since tradition […]
Addiction recovery is a beautiful, difficult journey. This is a chance to turn over a new leaf, start fresh, and create a new life to be your happiest, healthiest self. It’s important to embrace not only your newfound sobriety but also all the new opportunities that come with it. Simply being sober is not the […]
“Self-care” as well as “wellness” have become incredibly popular terms recently (almost catch phrases) but what do they actually mean? I guess, taken literally, it is quite simple – how do we take care of ourselves? I am all for long baths and essential oils (I revved up my diffuser before I started writing this!) […]
The internet is both a treasure trove of invaluable goodies and a dark morass of misinformation and ugliness. In that way it does not differ much from the “real world.” Knowing what to take and what to leave behind is the true skill one must acquire when navigating the world wide web. For those who […]
In my last post, I shared a number of books about addiction and recovery. It is difficult to cover such a growing and important genre of writing in one post so, I’m back! In the area of “How To”, there are a number of notable books worth reading if you or someone you care about […]
The genre of addiction recovery literature is ever growing with new offerings available almost daily. There are specific areas of interest in this genre including “How to”, “Early Sobriety”, and “Memoirs”. I am going to share a few of my “favorites” in the How to and memoir areas. This is by no means a comprehensive […]
When I first went down to Florida to get sober I don’t know if I really believed that I could change. I can’t really remember entirely what it was that I was seeking, but I knew that something had to give in my life. I knew that I no longer wanted to drink or use […]
There have been many times in my life when I felt like my feelings were wrong. I felt like I was either overreacting to a situation and I shouldn’t feel as strongly as I did, or I felt in a way that was opposite to how I thought I would feel. The latter always seemed […]
Trying to get sober alone is essentially an impossible task, or at least that is what I believe. There are people out there who have managed to put down drugs and alcohol without a fellowship of any kind, by simply mustering up all the grit they had and just quitting, but for most people, this […]